Saturday, August 31, 2024

Ecology and Social Justice Film Festival, Hyderabad

Film Festival on Ecology & Social Justice

2-4 September; 10 am to 5 pm

English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad

Curated by Amudhan RP


2 September

10 am to 1 pm 

10 am Inauguration 

10.30 am 

Colony in Conflict 

Dir: Rajani Mani; 73 min; India

“Colonies in Conflict” is a feature length documentary that examines the state of wild bees in a fast-developing Indian landscape. In a first ever, migratory honeybee species Apis dorsata (Rockbees, giant Asian honeybees) – native to south Asia – have been filmed extensively over various landscapes to find out how big a negative impact people have had on insect populations.

Other Kohinoors 

Dir: Uma Magal; 48 min; India 

A documentary love letter to the rocks of Hyderabad, celebrating their infusion in the areas cultural imagination, calling to retain the rocks that remain. The hope is growing with the outreach happening with this film, that showcasing the respect and affection with which the culture treats the environment & landscape will reignite that connection to the landscape today. 

2 pm 

Besetzt - Lobau Bleibt (not yet approved)

Dir : Gerald Baumann, Aron Ebner, Matteo Molina; 30 min; Austria 

The 30min cinema verite documentary is about climate activists that occupied several construction sites in Vienna, Austria for almost a year to stop the construction of two highways, crossing the nature reserve Lobau. 

The documentary gives an unfiltered view on how the daily life of an activist looks like and what few individuals can achieve in an extreme situation like an occupation.

The Illusion of Abundance 

Dir : Erika Gonzalez Ramirez, Matthieu Lietaert; 60 min; Colombia 

Despite a deeply unbalanced game, Maxima, Bertha and Carolina share a common goal: they are leading today's environmental fight against modern corporate conquistadors. Whereas governments and corporations are trapped in a global race to get the cheapest raw materials, these three women tell us a story of tireless courage: how to keep fighting to protect nature when your life is at risk? When police repression, corporate harassment, injuries or even death threats are part of your daily routine? (60’)

Mekong Apocalyse (55’)

Dir: Michael Buckley; 55 min; Canada / China / Cambodia / Vietnam

Mekong Apocalypse' explores the devastating downstream impact of China's megadams in Cambodia's Lake Tonle Sap and Vietnam's Mekong Delta. The filmmaker shot this on the run, getting undercover footage of megadams and illegal sand-dredging. Drawing inspiration from water puppetry theatre in Vietnam, this film features characters like a talking glacier in Tibet, waltzing fish in Laos, and a talking sunflower in Vietnam to get complex concepts across. With this slapstick approach, the film does tend to meander--like the Mekong herself. With its sly nod to Coppola's 'Apocalypse Now,' this is a documentary with strong elements of a mockumentary.

3 September

10 am 

Echelon Threads (not yet approved)

Dir : Achin Phulre’ 17 min; India 

Experience life on the rugged Changthang plateau, where each day is a symphony of tradition and survival. Witness as dawn unveils the delicate art of combing pashmina wool from goats, followed by men guiding herds to graze at 5400m. Women masterfully weave sheep wool into carpets and garments. Pashmina, sold to co-ops and buyers, carries dreams. Amidst breathtaking altitudes, resilience, and rich meals, this documentary paints a vivid portrait of a timeless community crafting its destiny.

The Leopard’s Tribe

Dir: Miriam Chandy Menacherry; 38 min; India 

Mumbai authorities axe thousands of trees to expand a mass transit system. Home to 10,000 indigenous tribals led by Prakash Bhoir a scuffle unfolds to protect forest and the leopard they worship. A battle to save the green lungs of India’s financial capital unfolds. He joins a hip-hop band, gets legal counsel but it is Pramila, his wife who is his biggest ally. She surprises everyone by stepping into the frontlines of a battle with high political stakes. This is the story of a marginalised couple, forced to be leaders through floods, fires and leopard attacks to claim their position as climate leaders in one of the fastest growing metropolis in the world.


Dir: Shobhit Jain; 60 min; India 

A freak hailstorm sets off a series of events in the life of farmers unfolding the vulnerability and precarious situation of those on the margin.

Coral Woman

Dir : Priya thuvassery; 53 min; India 

The Filmmaker's journey with Uma, a certified scuba diver, exploring the underwater world and the threat to the coral reefs of the Gulf of Mannar. Born in a traditional family, inspired by the beauty of the corals, Uma learnt how to swim, dive and paint in her 50s, and has since been trying to bring attention to this alarming environmental crisis through her paintings.

2 pm 

Unhusk (not yet approved)

Dir : Jue Wang; 57 min; China

A decade after her photos spotlighted China’s rice farming traditions, a photographer returns to document vanishing lifeways. As landscapes and villages empty, who will grow the rice now? This lyrical requiem explores how once-thriving cultural heritage erodes when communities disperse and young inheritors dwindle. 

The Custodians of the Andean Gold (32’)

Dir : Marcella Menozzi; 32 min; Italy / Peru / Bolivia

In the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes, more than 3 800 meters above sea level, live alpaca and vicunia breeders. Quechua and Aymara families protect their animals live off of the sale of the animals’ fiber. Gold mining is another activity that predates the Conquest and is widespread among families living in the border area between Peru and Bolivia. The difficult compatibility on the same territory of these two production activities increases the need for environmental protection and workers' rights. It has become indispensable to support producers so that this activity does not disappear with the migration of native peoples, abandoning traditions and animals.

Blue Crab (and a wooden camera) (not yet approved)

Dir : Daniel Martínz-Quintanilla Pérez; 22 min; Peru / Venezuela 

Daniel Martínez and the award-winning photojournalist Rodrigo Abd traveled in August of 2019 to Cabimas, on the shore of Maracaibo lake in Venezuela. The aim was to take a series of portraits with an old wooden camera. What they found was an apocalyptic situation: oil leaking from hundreds of oil towers abandoned by the PDVSA company, black dyeing the lake and the fishermen, and no one able to prevent it.

Mentawai - souls of the forest

Dir: Joo Peter; 75 min; Indonesia

The last indigenous people of Mentawai, a small archipelago south-west of Sumatra, are fighting with creative resistance to preserve their ancient culture and rainforest.

4 September

10 am 

Things will be different

Dir: Lucie McMahon; 65 min; Australia 

Things Will Be Different documents two neighbours’ experiences of displacement as they are forced to relocate from the Walker Street public housing estate in Northcote, Melbourne when it is sold for private redevelopment. The film explores the impact of losing one’s home and the important role public housing plays in our communities. The film is made by local filmmakers Celeste De Clario Davis and Lucie McMahon.

Africa, the cradle of mankind (not yet approved)

Dir: Benita Jacques; 108 min; Canada / Senegal

For a long time, Benita Jacques has always had questions about her origins to which she never got any answers from her parents. Today, the young mother from Montreal wants to bring answers to her children who ask her the same questions that she herself could not have. So, she decided to leave for Africa, in search of her origins

2 pm

Jamnapaar (not yet approved)

Dir: Abhinava Bhattacharya; 24 min; India 

The film lurks on the river’s edge seeking to explore how the inhabitants of the Yamuna relate to its degraded presence, the fragile nostalgia of its unknowable past and the horror of its unthinkable future.

Tribal Scoop

Dir: Beeswaranjan; 52 min; India 

A small town of Sundergarh lying in the interiors of the state of Odisha has never been touched by modern civilization, but is paying for it with the blood of the tribal people who still depend on forests for survival. And even those forests are fast being uprooted to make way for urban life. In the midst of this cockpit of destruction there's one hope that they are desperately clinging on to- Hockey. The game that was once the only form of entertainment for a people cut off from the rest of the world has now become a weapon with which Sundergarh is trying to claim it's place in a world that never recognized it.

If She Built a Country (not yet approved)

Dir: Maheen Mirza; 60 min; India 

Rural, Adivasi women from the villages of Chhattisgarh critique the grand plan of development of the country. As mines and power plants appear and grow in monstrous proportions around them, many of them have been cheated of their land and compensation. As they grapple with all this, they seek justice for themselves and their communities and share their thoughts about how the development of a country should be. 

4.30 pm : Feedback and closing remarks.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Freedom Film Festival, Hyderabad

Freedom Film Festival, Hyderabad 

Lamakaan, 29-31 August; 3-7pm

Curated by Amudhan RP
Jointly organised by MARUPAKKAM & LAMAKAAN

Entry free! We welcome you! 

Schedule 29 August

3 pm
Dir: Shobhit Jain; 56:19 min 

The film takes an ethnographic look into the life of a bonded labourer in a remote tribal village in central India.

4 pm

Land of My Dreams
Dir : Nausheen Khan; 74 min

Protests rage against the Indian Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 (CAA).The director listens to the voices of the protesters and observes her own identity as a Muslim woman.

5.20 pm
Chardi Kala - an ode to resilience Dir: Prateek Sekhar; 95 min

In September 2020, the Indian government passed three agricultural laws aimed at liberalising the farm economy. Soon after, farmers from across the country gathered at the borders of India’s national capital, New Delhi, for one of the biggest non-violent protests in modern history.

30 August

3 pm

Zameer (The voice of Conscience) Dir : Uma Chakravarthy; 89 min

The film Zameer (The Voice of Conscience) is built around the experiences of women who were drawn into movements of resistance as they have unfolded in India since the new millennium and were jailed for their participation in movements defending lands, livelihoods and ways of living.

4.45 pm

Beyond hatred and power, we keep singing Dir: Ramdas Kadavallur; 1:55:44

In the times of authoritarian interventions that stifle democratic voices and constitutional rights, by hate mongering and spreading animosity among the people, the documentary chronicles the resistance of people through songs and lyrics. As tellingly enunciated by Maya Angelou, these are ballads for creation of a new world order, by raising their voices against those who unabashedly trample upon the democratic rights. it germinated out of the firm conviction, rooted in and expressed by Bertolt Brecht, that “Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.”

31 August 3 pm

Dr BR Ambedkar : Now and Then Dir: Jyothi Nisha; 111 min

Through the discerning lens of a Bahujan feminist filmmaker operating within the upper-caste Indian film industry, the film delves deep into critical themes of liberty, equality, fraternity, social justice, exclusion, and marginalised representation. Bridging the realms of Ambedkarite politics with the visual language of cinema, it offers a poignant representation of the culture, history, and politics of marginalised communities within popular cinema and media.

5.30 pm
From the Shadows
Dir: Miriam Chandy Menacherry; 01:16:09

From the Shadows uses the imagery of public art to delve into missing narratives. Paint cans and stencils in hand, Leena Kejriwal relentlessly sprays splattered walls with a girl’s shadow #missing #everyeightminutes, a haunting reminder that girls disappear at a staggering pace.The narrative starts from her terrace overlooking Asia’s largest red-light district and into the world’s largest delta, quick sands of missing cases.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

World Population Day Film Festival, Chennai

World’s Population Day Film Festival, Chennai 

12 July, Stella Maris College; 10 am to 4 pm 

Jointly organised by Department of Social Work and MARUPAKKAM 

Curated by Amudhan RP

10 am  Inauguration 

10.30 am 

God Vulture and Human - A hero’s dichotomy 

Dir : Rishiraj Agarwal; 49.27 min; Documentary; India 

The film explores the subject of organ donation through the lens of transplant coordinators working, highlighting their role in the process of organ donation, retrieval and transplantation. Through the lives of 4 transplant coordinators, the film deals with the intensities of life and death, and an attempt to humanise the coordinators. 

2 Chaak 435 Divas 

Dir: Ganesh Rajkumar Dhotre; 30 min; Documentary; India 

This film is a documentary about a girl who travels all over Maharashtra on a bicycle without money without any support ti spread awareness about conserving the environment, avoiding pollution and women empowerment. She journeyed a total of 17000 kilometers in 435 days.

My Dream is… 

Dir: Riya Hayaran; 16.30 min; Documentary; India; Student film 

This is a short documentary about the power of education, the accessibility of safe nurturing environments to little girls and how these spaces and opportunities shape their dreams in a society where many drop out by the 10th grade. 

Aaha Nanna Maduve Ante!

Dir : Preeti Saga; 28 min; Short fiction; India

Sinchana, a 20-something in Bangalore, does not have life figured out. Her father is mean, getting permission to step out of the house is a chore, her love life is weird, and her best friend is always pushing her to be… better.With her father continuing to push marriage down her throat, Sinchana heads out in the city one day  and finds out that there really are only two options. One, do something. Two, have life do something to you. Which one will she choose?

12.45 pm Interaction 

1 pm : Lunch break

2 pm 


Dir : Iniya Vasanthan; 18.50 min; Documentary; India; Student film 

Kasimedu fish market is one of the major fish markets in Chennai. It is a very lively place all day. From boats bringing fish to people buying it fresh directly from there, everything is quite interesting to observe. Kadaloram(seaside) is a short documentary film made on that place and the people.

Our Odyssey is Red 

Dir : Neha Chaturvedi, Ayushi Shriramwar, Tahir Ahmed Qureshi, Naomi Fleur Jahan; 37.47 min; Documentary; India 

20 diverse young women choose to stay together in a home run by the NGO Kranti in Mumbai, India. What brings them together? Their past, they are all daughters of sex workers, and a very un-common goal to heal themselves and to live a life on their own terms. These women identify as Krantikaris/revolutionaries. 

Death Hotel 

Dir : Gustav Hugo Olsson; 20 min; Documentary; Sweden / India 

In "Death Hotel," we follow 107-year-old Gulchu Bai's final days in the holy city Varanasi, where her family has checked her into one of the city´s revered death hotels to get salvation upon death. 

The film is exploring the complexities of this ancient tradition and its interplay with culture, spirituality, and mortality. A unique reflection on the circle of life, where death is not mourned but rather celebrated. 

When Women Unite 

Dir : Amudhan R.P.; 13 min; India; Documentary

Women farmers and sex workers in Andhra Pradesh organise themselves to assert their rights and freedom to live dignified and respectful lives.

3.45 pm Interaction and closing remarks

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Workers Film Festival, Chennai

Workers Film Festival, Chennai

25,26 May; 11 am to 5 pm 

Discovery Book Palace, KK Nagar

Curated and presented by Amudhan RP

Jointly organised by MARUPAKKAM, Paattali Padippu Vattam & Discovery Book Palace

Schedule (subject to changes / finalisation)

25 May; Saturday

11 am

The Last Journey 

Dir : Suraj Gunjal; 21 min; Documentary; India 

Praful (52) is a coffin-maker and has a very conventional run of the mill attitude towards his unconventional work; working for the dead. Delivering coffins, crosses, dead bodies on order while juggling between mortuaries, houses and cemeteries, his life gets weaved with the stories of the dead ones. 

Part of Life

Dir : Ezequiel Romero; 19.20 min; Documentary; Spain

A group of working class colleagues decide to form a cooperative in 80s Spain to manufacture cork caps and capsules in Jerez, home of Sherry wine. 38 years later the remaining partners are about to retire and they reflect on the adventure of a lifetime and what it meant to be an entrepreneur then vs today. This part of their lives is over and a new one begins.


Dir : Malena Villarino; 75 min; Documentary; Brazil

‘Our revenge is to be happy’ is a documentary about the life of Sonia Sánchez, and her transformation from a victim of sexual exploitation to a subject of rights, a writer and a feminist activist. The film urges us to inquire about sex work, and raises various questions such as: Is prostitution the oldest job in the world or is it the oldest form of exploitation of women’s bodies?

2 pm


Dir : Iniya Vasanthan; 18.50 min; Documentary; India; Student film 

Kasimedu fish market is one of the major fish markets in Chennai. It is a very lively place all day. From boats bringing fish to people buying it fresh directly from there, everything is quite interesting to observe. Kadaloram (seaside) is a short documentary film made on that place and the people.

World Taxi

Dir: Philipp Majer; 82 min; English, German, Spanish, French, Wolof, Albanian, Thai with English subtitles; Germany; Documentary

This film features five charismatic taxi drivers and their passengers from five different cities: Bangkok, Pristina, Dakar, El Paso and Berlin. For 24 hours, we follow them through their city, their daily routine, their private life and are listening to their thoughts.

Land of Women 

Dir : Marion Gaborit ; 77.19 min; Documentary; France 

"Land of women" tell the story of five women farmers around the world, working the land, which plays a key role in the planet’s food production. A tribute to some of these women, invisible but essential links in the chain who ensure subsistence agriculture every day and everywhere on earth. 

26 May, Sunday

11 am 

Mannu : Sprouts of Endurance

Dir: Ramdas Kadavallur ; 113 min; Malayalam, Tamil; 2020

The documentary narrates the saga of encroachment of vast stretches of a hilly land, the eviction of its rightful owners, the blatant exploitation of the labourers and their struggle for existence. This examines the social milieu in which these unorganised labourers are living. 

It does not confine itself in narrating the evolution and impact of a labour struggle, but also focuses on another important social aspect in India, the significance of caste, the strangle hold it exerts on the psyche of the nation. The documentary holds its mirror to the dichotomy of underlying neglect and discrimination meted out to the hapless people belonging to the lower echelons of society. It explores the ruthless impact of policies on the 'land' and 'soil', its lopsided distribution, the illegal encroachments carried out by the encroaches, the resultant irreparable and long standing damage it causes to the environment and fragile terrain, which is abound with precious flora and fauna.

2 pm

Nimble Fingers (Dir: Parsifal Reparato; 52 min; Vietnam / Italy)

The film brings out the living and working conditions of migrant women from the rural districts of Vietnam, in Hanoi working at one of the biggest industrial production sites in the world, through their eyes, dreams and fear, and also by their drawings that become animations.

Miles Away 

Dir : Megha Acharya; 50 min; Documentary; India 

The everyday-lives of three female labourers working in a brick kiln in India takes an upsetting turn after an unexpected rainfall halts their work. What unfolds is a threatening tale of unorganised labour and economic debts in a rapidly urbanising India. 

The Price of Cheap 

Dir: Barry Stevens; 80 mins; Hindi, Tamil with English subtitles; 2021; Canada; Documentary

The stories of modern slaves in textiles manufacturing supply chains and the brave individuals fighting on the ground against immeasurable odds to help them. Joseph Raj, runs an organisation called T.E.S.T. (Trust for Education and Social Transformation) in Tamil Nadu, India as he goes on raids to rescue underage children from unsafe and labor intensive factories.